Use To Diagnose Fuel Injection Problems; With Universal Inline Adapter/ 0-100 PSI Gauge With Boot And Hang Up Hook/ GM 2.5L & 5.7L Fuel Injection Pressure Test Adapter/ Hose Clamp/ Hose/ GM Throttle Body Injection Fuel Pressure Adapter/ Seals/ Tank Valve/ Gasket/ Single And Double End Barbed Hose Adapter/ Banjo Bolt Adapter/ Female Adapter/ Male Adapter/ Male And Female Swivel Adapter/ Schrader Valve Test Adapter For Ford, GM And Chrysler/ 5/16 Inch Hair Pin Adapter For Ford CFI/ 3/8 Inch Hair Pin Adapter For GM And Chrysler/ Spring Lock Adapter For Ford EFI And CIS Testing Assembly With Ball Valve/ Carrying Case